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Setting up a Computing Environment

These are a list of instructions for setting up a basic computing environment for a Macbook Pro.
These instructions are written for OS X Big Sur 11.2.3 with a zsh shell.

To install basic the basic Command Line Tools package, run:

$xcode-select --install

Next, let's install Homebrew. Homebrew is an open-source package management system that simplifies the installation of software on macOS (and Linux):

$/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

There are many important packages that should be installed:

$brew install cmake expat xerces-c zlib openssl gdbm jpeg readline zlib ghostscript libtiff sqlite xz wget python
$brew install --cask xquartz

In your .zshrc, add:

alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3

If you try to run the above with /bin/zsh you get "Bash is required to interpret this script."
Next, we will install Anaconda, a distribution of Python for scientific computing that simplifies package management and deployment.

I find it easiest to do the graphical installation. Go to and download the 64-Bit Graphical Installer for MacOS. Open the packages and follow the instructions, they are pretty straightforward.

With Anaconda installed you can now open a Jupyter Notebook. To do this, run:

Jupyter Notebook [file]

Next, let's install ROOT. First, comment out the conda section in .zshrc (only necessary during the ROOT install).
We will download the source code and select the version we want:

cd /Applications/
mkdir root6-source && cd root6-source
git clone

cd root
git checkout v6-22-00-patches

Next, create the build directory:

cd /Applications/
mkdir root6-build && cd root6-build

To compile the source code, run:

$cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Applications/root6-install -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.9/bin/python3.9 -Dimt=OFF -Dbuiltin_tbb=OFF /Applications/root6-source/root
$make -j8 && make install